LP Loan Calculator

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)
Custom Iconography
Customer & Product Mapping
Customer Experience Strategy
Design System Architecture
Ideation & Rapid Prototyping
Logo & Identity Development
Persona Development
Social Media Ad Campaign
User Journey Mapping
WCAG & ADA Compliance
A powerful, innovative SaaS mobile app created with the user experience in mind.
The LP Loan Calculator™ digital app fills a gap in the market for a powerful and easy-to-use mortgage calculator for the everyday homebuyer. Designed with accessibility in mind, LP Loan Calculator™ is WCAAG 2.0 compliant, making it both an enjoyable and inclusive experience. The product was developed as a progressive web app to maximize cross-platform availability without maintaining separate applications. This means that LP Loan Calculator™ is available for download via Google Play or the App Store, as well as via browser on your desktop or laptop.

Creating a cohesive brand family across all platforms.
We positioned the LP Loan Calculator™ to be a stand-alone mobile application that was also an extension of the Let’s Plan™ family of SaaS products. Deliverables included the brand strategy, naming, logo design and branding, custom Iconography, and user Interface branding that expanded upon the Let’s Plan™ Design System. Creating a new digital product that also maintains the brand integrity of the parent company was imperative to creating trust with the consumer while building brand recognition for the entire suite of Let’s Plan™ products.

A successful mobile app begins with careful planning—user flows, user journeys, and product sitemaps.
Understanding how and where your users will interact with your product makes a digital product successful and is the core of exceptional user experience design. Creating a well-received and enjoyable digital product requires careful planning through user journey mapping, user flows, and product sitemaps. This initial planning process produces product consistency, decreases user frustration, and more importantly, catches potential issues well before the product ever reaches the lengthy development process, saving time and money.