Department of Services for the Blind

The entire project was completed in a swift 3.5 weeks, launching multiple social media ad campaigns, organizing focus groups across three cities, and conducting an extensive online survey—all to deliver rapid, impactful insights.
The entire project was completed in a swift 3.5 weeks, launching multiple social media ad campaigns, organizing focus groups across three cities, and conducting an extensive online survey—all to deliver rapid, impactful insights.
The entire project was completed in a swift 3.5 weeks, launching multiple social media ad campaigns, organizing focus groups across three cities, and conducting an extensive online survey—all to deliver rapid, impactful insights.
Data-driven brand recommendations for a washington state program built on marketing research
Jennergy’s marketing expertise was sought out to develop brand recommendations for the Department of Services for the Blind (DSB) Birth-13 Program, focusing on understanding and serving families with blind, low vision, or deafblind children of Washington State. Through in-person focus groups, an extensive online survey, reporting, and leading stakeholder workshops, Jennergy developed brand and marketing recommendations for their Birth-13 Program.
Brand Audit
Brand Recommendations
Brand Strategy
Data Analysis
Digital Ad Campaigns
Digital Surveys
Focus Groups (In-person & Virtual)
Market Research
Persona Development
Program Branding Recommendations (Naming, Logo, Mascot)
Program Naming
Social Media Ad Campaign
Target Audience Development
WCAG & ADA Compliance

Accelerating the DSB Birth-13 Program brand transformation with rapid data-driven insights: two weeks, three cities, 27 focus group participants, and over 50 digital survey respondents.

Market research shapes a brand strategy with targeted insights and strategic recommendations.

The Department of Services for the Blind (DSB) Birth-13 Program needed to create a strong brand for families with blind, low vision, or deafblind children in Washington State. They needed a name, logo, and mascot quickly—ensuring the best decision for all stakeholders. Through market research, surveys, and focus groups, the Jennergy team developed a brand strategy with recommendations and key audience insights for their future marketing. A targeted social media ad campaign was used to recruit participants for in-person focus groups and an extensive online survey. The survey was designed to engage with parents, teachers, and administrators of low vision, blind, and deafblind children ages birth to 13, gaining insights and feedback that ultimately helped inform the stakeholders for the newly established DSB Birth-13 Program. Data analysis from the survey and focus groups identified the specific needs of the target demographic, and integration of these insights guided our brand development recommendations. The final reports included strategic recommendations for maximizing marketing impact, identifying high-impact areas like educational technology accessibility, areas of greatest need for workshops, fostering supportive communities, and improving outreach.

Mobile phone mockup showing the various digital ads for the DSB Birth-13 program branding project
Targeted social media ads were uniquely tailored to resonate with the audience of parents, guardians, teachers and administrators of children that were blind, low vision, or deafblind. Both targeted ad campaigns were extremely successful; the two week campaign resulting in 27 focus group participants and over 50 digital survey respondents.
Hands holding a tablet screen filling out the DSB Birth-13 program branding digital survey
The 12 minute in-depth digital survey received over 50 respondents with an incredible 68% completion rate. The survey included parents, teachers and administrators, with over 50 questions per target audience.
Bar graphs showing the sample results from the digital survey
Survey key insights gathered information including audience needs—resulting in strategic recommendations for marketing efforts and program branding.

Despite taking nearly 12 minutes on average to fill out, the in-depth digital survey had over 50 respondents and a 68% completion rate.

Sample of various slides from the final program branding recommendations report provided to DSB
The brand recommendations summary report provided in-depth information including target audiences, naming, logos, and potential mascots based on the survey and focus group findings.